Dear Reader
Today being the 8th of February is the feast of
St. John of Matha. A great example to us in these modern days despite the
reduction of his particular mission. He is a confessor and founder of a
religious order in this case the Order of the Most Holy Trinity. To start with
let’s read what is recorded in Lesson III of Matins for his feast.
“John of Matha was born at Faucon
in Provence
of devout and noble parents. When he was celebrating his first Mass, he
understood from a vision that he was to devote himself to ransoming those taken
captives by the infidels. Because of this sign from God, he retired into the
wilderness, where he found Felix of Valois, who had been living in that same
place for many years. Here they both devoted themselves most fervently to
prayer. After being advised three times in dreams, they went to Rome and obtained the
approbation of Pope Innocent III for the new Order of the Most Holy Trinity for
the Ransoming of Captives. They then built their first monastery in the diocese
of Meaux, and Felix remained there as superior. But John returned to Rome with some companions, where Innocent gave them the
house, church, and hospital
of St. Thomas in Formis
on the Coelian Hill. He also gave them letters to present to Miramolin, King of
Morocco, and thus the work of ransoming captives was auspiciously begun. Then
John went to Spain ,
a great part of which was oppressed under the Saracen yoke. Having moved the
hearts of all to pity the captives, he built hospitals and ransomed many
prisoners. At length, he returned to Rome ;
there, broken in health by his toils and by illness, he died in the Lord on the
21st day of December, in the year 1213.”
Here we can see that his mission
was a vocation, a divine call from God to serve the lowest and neediest of the
time, in this case those people who had been captured by the infidels and were
being used as slaves. This being the 6th
of the corporal works of mercy. It is important to note that before he began
his mission in earnest he had first been deep in prayer and then had sought
confirmation of this vocation from Church Authority. He did not run off on his
own feelings but was sent by The Church, this is an example to us to wait and
be patient, for we are at the disposal of God who works through The Church He
To be canonised one must show
“Heroic Virtue” and though we are all called to express the virtues to this
level, most of us will not succeed in doing so and indeed one does not need to
be worthy of canonisation to take a seat in Heaven. In this case though St. John shows his total
love of God by his absolute commitment that leaves him “broken in health by his
toils” this is a reminder to us not to hold back from doing that which God asks
us but by the virtue of diligence throwing ourselves completely into His work.
I hope that all of us can take
something from the example of this great saint. Let us pray to St. John of Matha
that through the coming season of Lent we may through prayer and penance
be once more freed from all stain of sin.
Yours in Christ
Dominic Maria
Your article is much better than mine! Thanks for the link